About Tenants

This page contains a list of current premises tenants in the Alekseevskaya Tower Business Center.
You can find a partner or a client here.

Moscow Snooker Academy

Moscow Snooker Academy
  • The only billiard club in Russia which specializes in the most complex and beautiful form of billiards that is the English snooker.
  • World-class equipment consists of 6 billiard tables with a heated surface and a tournament cloth.
  • Workout environment is very cozy and comfortable.
  • There is a snooker school for children and adults. Worldsnooker Certified Trainers.
  • Tournaments, regular trips abroad.
  • Coffee, beer, juice, tasty business lunch.


Снукер БЦ Алексеевская башня

Ученики школы снукера


6th floor of the Business Center Alekseevskaya Tower

Floor:  6
Phone:  8 (926) 1470033
Web:  www.moscowsnooker.com

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business center
Alex Tower

phones: 8 (968) 378-88-25 & 8 (495) 641-59-78

129164, Moscow, Rocket Blvd. 16